Photo Policies
All Photographers
Forest Hills Cemetery is a wonderfully photogenic landscape. Photography of the structures, diverse wildlife, plants, and sculptures is welcomed. However, to protect the privacy of our families, photography of headstones is prohibited except by the deceased’s next-of-kin or the lot owner. Whether permission has been granted in advance or not — YOU MUST CHECK IN with the Cemetery Office during visiting hours. Requests to photograph during off business hours may be granted in advance. Cemetery Rules and Regulations must be observed at all times. No leaning on monuments for support. Be mindful of other Cemetery activities taking place, such as funerals. Do not disturb the wildlife. No climbing of trees, rocks, or structures. These policies apply to filming video as well as to still photography.
Forest Hills Cemetery is a wonderfully photogenic landscape. Photography of the structures, diverse wildlife, plants, and sculptures is welcomed. However, to protect the privacy of our families, photography of headstones is prohibited except by the deceased’s next-of-kin or the lot owner. Whether permission has been granted in advance or not — YOU MUST CHECK IN with the Cemetery Office during visiting hours. Requests to photograph during off business hours may be granted in advance. Cemetery Rules and Regulations must be observed at all times. No leaning on monuments for support. Be mindful of other Cemetery activities taking place, such as funerals. Do not disturb the wildlife. No climbing of trees, rocks, or structures. These policies apply to filming video as well as to still photography.
Limited Permit PERSONAL USE
If you wish to take photographs on cemetery property, you are required to complete and then send in the Application for a Permit for Photography to the Office Manager. After your application has been reviewed, you will receive confirmation as to whether or not permissions have been granted. NO COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IS PERMITTED.
Find A Grave and Other Genealogical Websites
Forest Hills Cemetery PROHIBITS ALL PHOTOGRAPHY OF HEADSTONES unless photographed by a family member or lot owner. Please contact us with any questions about these policies.
Thank you for your cooperation.